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This will be my 2nd night without my little one. I really hate this part of single dad life.

MFAtheist 7 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel your pain. I have been separated since November and I have a 3 year old little boy. He stays with me every other weekend but I still try and see him every weekend even if it's just for dinner. I miss him so much during the week. It's so depressing. I sit here late at night alone and I hate it. I wish I could say it gets better and maybe it does but it hasn't for me yet.


I completely understand. I had to make sure I had something to do. Night out with friends. Go on a hike. Watch a rated-R movie. It eventually got easier once I figured out how to distract myself.

KatieO Level 5 July 15, 2018

I make lists. I run so much better off of lists. It keeps my focus on things I can do while she's away. First thing I did was clean everything with bleach, which I don't like to do when she's around, so I'll have all of tonight into the afternoon tomorrow for the chemical to wear off, and she'll come home to a super-cleaner-than-usual environment.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Just don't forget to take care of yourself.

@KatieO lol, I'm a work in progress. I spent a lot of myself taking care of everyone else.

Hence, the reminder. ?


How long until you see him/her again? That thought kept me married for a few years longer. So far it seems to be ok though and I quite like my alone time now.

antman Level 7 July 15, 2018

I'll see her tomorrow and have her overnight again. She'll likely stay with me most nights because of her mother's schedule, and a few other reasons. I really should count my 'blessings' (ugh), but it's still early on, and I'm still dealing with the fallout of the relationship so I'm kind of emotionally distraught as it is.


I’m sorry… That aspect may have done me in at the time. But after a 29 year marriage, with me having been the ‘at home dad’ and caregiver/ teacher, she left them with me.. So we cried together 😟

Varn Level 8 July 15, 2018

I'm sorry about your marriage. I admire you for being a great full-time dad. I don't like the single part-time dad role, I'd rather full-time, myself.

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