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This is an example of a string I began about my desire to start a Limerick Group which would post Limericks both known and original to the poster, (the latter being encouraged). They could be uncontroversial or downright filthy but that the latter of these two genres is almost a requirement to a good Limerick! Several followers of the post were squeamish about using obscenity, so for those I hereby post a new composition of my own showing how a Limerick can possess a bawdy theme without resorting too obscene language (although, I dislike the word obscene) As a clever person once said, "Pornography is whatever gives a Judge a hard-on"

Here is my Limerick, in two stanzas:

Once a real estate magnate named Trump
Met a model he wanted to hump
When he undid his fly...She responded "Oh My"
But it isn't much more than a bump

He replied (from the theories of Newton)
It depends on what ammo you're shootin'
If I coat it in honey, and wrap it in money
It gets bigger than Vladimir Putin

(C. David Fishel 2 thousand 18)

fishline79 7 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Here's an example of one of mine that is not so reserved.

A painterly prick named Picasso
Had a penis as long as a lasso
But the figures he fluted...were so convoluted
That you can't tell their face from their asshole

I'm currently working on a series on painters.


I love it, love it. So cleaver and so true. Good on you. Please give us more.

So then, If I open this "Group" I can expect you to join? (And participate!) Perhaps you can get in touch with your hidden poet.

@fishline79 I love to join but I am just hopeless at anything like that. I put it on my facebook page and people loved it.

@Jolanta Nothing to keep you from reading them! I'm just in the process of setting it up.

@fishline79 I am looking forward to it. Great work.

@Jolanta I set up the group, but for some reason it was not activated. Was I blocked?

@fishline79 Not by me. I don't know how the blocking works. Is there somewhere you can find out? Perhaps you need to be on level 7 to be able to start a group. I don't know but don't give up.

@Jolanta No. I am level 6 and already have three groups: Secular Songs of Peace and Protest, The Best of Classic Comedy, and Stem the Rise of Fascism

@fishline79 That is a bummer if you cannot set it up. I am so looking forward to your limericks.

@Jolanta I'm working on it. Keep your eyes open.

@Jolanta Feel free to join "Art of the Limerick"

A classical scholar named Morgan
Possessed a remarkable organ
It uncoiled like snakes with a series of shakes
And resembled the head of the Gorgon

When his preference for pleasure was prime
He admitted his sex was sublime
Though it often was fun to have sex with just one
He preferred to take eight at a time
C. David Fishel

@fishline79 Another good one from you.

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