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I watched the press conference with Trump and Putin today. I was appalled and sickened. I am even more appalled and sickened by my conservative friends who are Trumpers, who are defending him. It is like a terrible movie or a nightmare. America is not recognizable. I am 71 years old and have seen president do things I was against, or angry about, or lie, but I never ever saw or heard one who took Russia's side, over America's multiple intelligence agencies, the constitution, and the people. I keep thinking he can't get worse, and yet he does. Another thing I noticed is that some conservatives on this site are happy about his nomination of Kavabaugh for Supreme Court. Don't they realize that it is to further evangelical Christian's agenda?

Wisewoman3 7 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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They don’t seem to care that he Is committing treason on the world stage, as he is carrying out all his election promises on the home front. Only the”wall” to go and he will have done them all! They think what he is doing is making America great again! They can’t see the bigger picture or the long term damage to your country and the entire world.


Why must people be considered 'conservative' simply because they voted for or support some of the president's positions? He, like his predecessors, is OUR elected executive. It isn't partisan, but centrist people who determine the outcome of ALL presidential elections.

I certainly DON'T worship Trump as some kind of tin god. I did, however, choose him over the thoroughly corrupt alternative. How does that make me 'conservative'???

I'm atheist. I despise his Middle East policies. He is an egotist. (not a crime)

He's also a pragmatist capable of doing 'whatever it takes' to WIN...  That is like a breath of fresh air compared to losers, Republican and Democrat over the last few decades.  The economy and unemployment are at record levels in positive areas already and he's only been in office less than two years.  HOW does that observation of the truth make me a conservative?

Atheism is about realism, not delusions or blind following of 'betters' who tell us what to believe and not to. I really expected better in this neighborhood.


I've wondered about this Trump support and worship phenomena, regardless of what he does.

I've asked myself if these people can actually be that stupid, immoral or illogical.

First, the answer is yes, for some, but I think a lot of it is the underlying anger that many of these people have.. well... just about stuff.

Angry people get off on conflict, being combative, being provocateurs and on inflicting pain.

They view Trump as an outlet for their pain. It doesn't matter to whom he's causing it and why - even if the recipient is America itself.


Because they hate themselves. No one can be that supportive of a hater unless they are broken inside.

Athena Level 8 July 17, 2018

I've been defriending, blocking, and emailing relatives and friends who are Trump supporters so let them know I would no longer be in their lives. Two siblings yesterday, in fact.

Those religious wing nut morons are so racist they don't care what Trump does.


I agree. I have no more conservative friends; I lost my respect for them. Maybe someday they will leave the Faux bubble and see reality...but I ain’t holding my breath.

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