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Ok is it just me or does anyone else's skin crawl when they hear/read the much over used word "yummy"? Even worse when a man says it. What ever happened to delicious, or tasty? I don't know what it is about that word, maybe it sounds childish? Anyone else feel this way?

happyhiker1 7 July 17

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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It doesn't bother me, but other things do and I just can't help it, so I understand.

One thing I know is when something bothers me it's not a choice. Some things just bother us without our consent. Interesting, as I think it's a tangential line toward considering the free will argument.

Athena Level 8 July 17, 2018

Everyone has something that bothers them. As long as this is not expected to bother everyone or pushed on everyone that is fine. I also feel swear words are a bunch of BS.

DeiP Level 5 July 17, 2018

I don't often hear the word "yummy". I do, however, know someone who consistently calls an app an "ab", as in I just downloaded a new "ab" or my new phone has a lot of "abs". I don't know why, but it drives me nuts when he says things like this.


" Yummy ! A moist cluster fuck. Yum yum, my favourite words in one delish sentence. "

So excited by that phrase that you had to say it twice! I’m beginning to think you’re a dirty old man!

Maybe, maybe not ! But thanks for pointing it out to me. Had no idea I posted it twice. Have now deleted one.


i did once have a group of women introduce themselves as the yummie mummies what the actual flying fck

weeman Level 7 July 17, 2018

No problems with Yummy. The word I do have a problem with is Awesome! It seems to have become the most overused word recently, especially amongst Americans. There are only a few things that I could reasonably use that adjective to describe, as awe is something only great and inspiring things or events could induce, for instance viewing the Grand Canyon!

I think maybe you think yummy sounds childish because It rhymes with mummy. We have an expression here “yummy mummies” and that does give me the shudders!

@Marionville better than milf though ?

@SimonCyrene Just about!

@minhmeister Give me a like then if you agree!

@minhmeister I like a man who does what he’s told, so I have reciprocated!


Try hearing its a ridiculous catch in CF, or better, its an unbelievable golf shot, when in actuality its on a golf course, lol.


Happyhiker, I use whatever word fits. If it is yummy I will use it. I have no problem with it. I use delicious and tasty also.

Roley Level 5 July 17, 2018

I agree and it does sound a bit childish. Perhaps it began with cooking shows like Rachel Ray...remember "Yum-O"? Maybe folks are too lazy about language to dig up words like savory, succulent and tantalizing to describe the food. The other possible explanation is they don't have the vocabulary.


bit like this 'cool' thing, to me if somethings 'cool' it's plain cold!

DAMIET Level 4 July 17, 2018

My bothersome thing to hear is "he is the bomb but has a short fuse". Excuse me I am going to go vomit and cry.

Mokvon Level 8 July 17, 2018

I have never heard this phrase and am very thankful for that. It irritates me by reading it.


Yes. Men shouldnt use the word yummy. Its for kids

Jojoe7 Level 1 July 17, 2018

Yum yum.....


i prefer larrupin


Not yummy, but I know lots of people dislike the word moist.

My uncomfortable trigger word is cluster

I gagged even typing it

@LadyAlyxandrea As in cluster-fuck! I would describe Brexit in such terms!

@LadyAlyxandrea, @Marionville
How about a moist cluster fuck, that should do it for everyone !

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