This is one of those impossible questions. Sitting on the exam table at the doctor's office you are told that you have cancer that is incurable and you have 6 months to live. The doctor has a medicine that will relieve you of all the cancer symptoms. The medicine has side effects. You will lose all your memories and you will have no sex drive. The medicine will wear off in 6 months and you will die.
My first reaction was to vote the third and quick choice but medical diagnostics are not always correct. Stephen Hawkins was told that he would die by before he was 23. He lived to over 70.
I voted to keep my memories. This is the only life I will ever have. Once my mind is gone then I am no longer me.
Or do you postpone until you’re at death’s door and get 6 more months because those are WNL numbers, not guarantees.
I would opt to just be myself for as long as I have.....also I would spend all,of my,money and max out my credit cards....there is an item on my bucket list....spend a month in a suite at the Plaza Hotel,in NY overlooking Central,Park. Of course at $15,000.00 per night it would not be a month long stay... but oh the shows and dinners at fine restaurants and carriage rides. Pipe dream?
If the medicine can't prolong life it's pointless. Pain isn't always a bad thing and memories are priceless.
I had heard an add on the radio for some medicine that can prolong cancer patients life. I always think why would I want to suffer longer if I were in that situation.