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I wish the Christians would start following what their book says because if I'm wrong and end up in hell, I don't want to have to hang out with these people.

Fulishsage 6 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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No evidence of the jesus actually living. Lots of evidence that he was a created character.
The christ's "teachings" are not all good.
Richard Carrier is currently the foremost scholar about the (non) historicity of the christ dude.

JacarC Level 8 July 18, 2018

Fortunately for you, it happens that you can't be wrong in this case. Oh, I can't know with absolute certainty that there is no God in some form or other. I CAN point to the impossibility of the Christian paradigm. That lies in their oxymoronic claim that the supposed all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving creator of all somehow decided to create us all flawed and ignorant enough that billions would simply know no better than to disbelieve the one "true" god. "He" then refrains from irrefutably revealing himself to all, choosing instead to play riddle games with us poor ignorant rubes. Then enraged (somehow this omniscient being is capable of surprise), he punishes billions to eternal torment. This all-loving, all-powerful, and all-knowing ruler of all made billions of us knowing he was going to condemn us. He does nothing to ensure that we come to understand and to make the right choices. That is not love; it is sadism. There can be no such deity.

You don't have to convince me, I was just venting about how two faced they can be.

@Fulishsage I figured you were. I was just in a soapbox mood with time to kill. 😉


The Hebrew god of the Bible is so blood-thirsty, murderous, treacherous, and lying, that Christians are acting EXACTLY like their god does. He's an obvious copy of the Sumerian text description of "Anu," the leader of the alien Sumerians, written 2000 years before the Bible was written.


They ARE following their bibles. Jesus is a mythological figure. And they are all are taught crap. And they believe.

JacarC Level 8 July 17, 2018
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