I am a straight, agnostic atheist who vigorously supports freedom of speech. Something which I recently noticed confuses me: Several of the people whom I follow are both free speech supporters and homosexuals. These include Dave Rubin, Stephen Fry, James Randi, Milo Yiannopoulos and Douglas Murray. It appears that the struggle against sexual orientation discrimination could have induced or contributed to their appreciation of freedom of expression.
Not sure what’s confusing about this.
What confuses me is the fact that a heterosexual male finds myself agreeing with so many of their viewpoints.
@PBuck0145 so, you don’t understand how people can be gay and also for free speech? Or you don’t think you, a straight man, should agree with gay men about anything? Either way you are making assumptions/stereotypes about people. Gay people are just as varied as straight people - sexuality isn’t their only characteristic.
@PBuck0145 yeah I make an effort not to do that, but your baffled “I just don’t understand” how gay people can support free speech - as if those things are in any way related - is pretty demeaning. And I when I asked you what is confusing about this you say you are confused at how a heterosexual person can agree with their viewpoints. So really, you are coming off like a bigot and it’s not because of what I’m asking.
Please re-read my original response. Take it exactly as written and don't assign to it your own biased interpretive embellishments.
@PBuck0145 I have read it more than once. I don’t understand why you are confused by agreeing with people who happen to be gay.
@A2Jennifer Fair enough. I should have been more explicit about the cause of my confusion.
Statistically, since I am straight, about 95% of those with home I agree whould also be straight. Instead, more than half of the free speech supporting "intellectual dark web" contributors whom I follow are homosexual.
The original post speculated that their prevalence in the group of free speech supporters might be the result of their struggle against sexual orientation discrimination, That struggle might tend to embolden their free-speech support proactivity. I have received zero feedback regarding that premise.
@PBuck0145 so your main point is actually that you think gay men may be over represented among outspoken free speech advocates, and asking why that is? NOT that there is some issue with agreeing with gay people?
One of the most oppressive elements of the experience of being a sexual minority is the often sweeping and strong public imperative to remain silent and hide ourselves. A "Don't ask, don't tell policy for all social life. Such pressure is toxic. Visibility is truly key to us being able to respect ourselves. It has only been since the dramatic coming out and subsequent continued public presence of people like Ellen Degeneres and so many more celebrities that many hetero people have started to overcome thair knee-jerk revulsion and realize LGBT people are just people.
So what's the confusing part? I am gay, and it makes perfect sense to me. BTW, I did not know Stephen Frye is gay. Cool!