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Big, big changes in my life right now. I just started OT/PT and tomorrow I have a CT scan to determine whether or not it's time to remove my port. At the same time, I'm looking at ways to both bring in more income and turn around a serious debt. A lot of tough things I'm dealing with, many that also require some hard truths and lifestyle changes that I'm finally facing. I have to keep reminding myself that I deserve better than I've given myself for so long, I deserve kindness and respect, and that I've got this. Even if I'm exhausted.

bleurowz 8 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I had a port for my Bone Marrow transplant because the program required it. My doctors wanted me to get another one after the other was defunct. I refused. It was my body. I was going to beat my leukemia and its five years remission without a port.


Good luck on your journey.


You absolutely do deserve kindness and respect; there is no doubt.

EdEarl Level 8 July 18, 2018

My mom is keeping her port. For a while at least.

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