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Women (and men if you choose to answer), when does a compliment go too far?

I often hear things that are insincere or plain rude. Do you find this often?
Because I am not even close to a perfect woman, I hear these 'compliments' directed at coworkers or friends. For me it not only insults women in general, but hurts me as a woman to think that a man cannot look beyond a hot young thing...
And often I get this response, I was just trying to be nice.
What is your experience?

Akfishlady 8 July 18

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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That's always a thin line that I never understood. Let me change the argument ... I am asking.... What is the correct way to give a compliment??

@Akfishlady ...... mmmmmhhhh....still lost and confused. It does sound to like "damn if I do and damn if I don't". No worries, no need to reply. We will keep going in circles. For me, I'll keep saying compliments whenever I feel like it, I have learned to deal with rejection pretty good anyway. The best remedy is to be polite with short memory and move quickly on to the next opportunity


Some people like oceans, some like mountains, I like attractive women. I will tell a complete stranger that in case they haven't heard it yet today, they are absolutely beautiful and I walk away. No come on, just a compliment. Can a compliment be rude? If you think whistling at an attractive woman is crude, ok. I don't do it but some men do. I can't say that I've ever been in the company of a man that has made a rude comment to a woman because I wouldnt stand for it. Of course it's subjective and you really haven't given any examples, but you've already called it a "compliment." What you sense it being after that is up to you. But if your attempt here is to stop compliments, something YOU call them, then I think that's a problem. As an aside, in the dating book I'm writing, it will be called "It Just Doesn't Matter" and the best example I can give relating to your question, is an evening way back on a roof top bar in the City of Detroit, wall to wall people, and I saw a woman at the bar I had to get to. I waded through all the people, got up to her and said "boy you don't know what I had to do to get here." Her response, "well I liked your arrival, now let's see you departure." Proof that you can be a babbling idiot and if she wants to talk to you she will and you can be the most erudite person in the world and if she doesn't want to talk to you she won't. Did my "compliment" go too far? 🙂

lerlo Level 8 July 19, 2018

When I was younger received a couple of those random in orbit compliments & they left quite the impression. I felt good in my skin and someone noticed. They got it off their chest & left me alone. It was beautiful. Life is short.
No one is going to trip over themselves to run up to you to tell you you're beautiful if you aren't.


I am close to the point of, "Your tits look great. Thank you for drawing my attention to them."

JacarC Level 8 July 19, 2018

Maybe you are just too hard on yourself.

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