Hey, some comic cons are better than others!
....vomit in my nose......
eewwwe... snort..
Probably going to a church camp . I was at a World SciFi convention some time back . It was being held at a major convention center , I think in Philadelphia , when a young lady I was sharing the elevator with complained . She was with a church group coral society , and felt the convention center should rid the center of all of the con goers . I asked how many were there for the coral society . She said about 500 . They had a smaller upper floor , in its entirety . I told her the World Con had over 10,000 and had both of the larger two lower floors . I suggested to her , that the convention center was for profit business , and given a choice of throwing out the 500 member chorus activity , or the 10,000 con goers , hers was likely to be the group being thrown out .
Priest: Give me the child until he is 7....
Atheist: And I will show you the man?
Priest: Say what's that now?
But if they wait until they're old enough to think for themselves, it'll never work. That's why they start young.
It really helps if they get them when Magical Thinking still occurs.
(Before the age of six). SMH.
Child abuse, and probably dishonest advertising! That’s two crimes!!