When you look at the last Presidential election, one thing is pretty obvious: There is a pretty large voting block of older white men who do not think a woman should be President. If Hillary Clinton, was born Joe Rhodam, she would have won the election (even including her screwups). We also know that racism towards blacks is alive and kicking. Obama was able to win because his predecessor was a disaster and he was a remarkable candidate. There is nobody in politics today who is close to Obama.
Based on this sad state of affairs, I have serious doubts that an Elizabeth Warren of Kamala Harris would have any chance in 2020 against Trump. I find this disappointing because I think Warren, in particular, would be a great President. I think our best chance of unseating the Orange Dictator is Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders.
How does everyone else feel about this?
Despite the fact that Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, it's important to remember that 53% of white women who voted cast their ballot for the occupier. Women who don't want to see other women succeed while they're stuck in their shitty lives will never vote for a woman.
It's also important to remember that Bernie may have been popular, but he didn't connect with Black voters in the way Hillary did. Biden has a slightly better relationship with Black voters, but will he appeal to LatinX voters?
We need someone as remarkable as Barack Obama. Someone who will unite voters of any party, preventing the backlash of a red wave in the midterms, so we can get shit done.
If I believed we could elect a woman, it would be Elizabeth Warren, without a doubt. She's smart, strong, articulate, and steadfast. But the Republican nickname for her isn't going away, and they're ready to take her on.
I really don't want to fall back on the idea of a White male savior from a political dynasty, but Joe Kennedy might be our only option.
Hillary got the popular vote. The election was stolen by gerrymandering and the insanity of those participating in the electoral college.
How can we change such corruption?
The election was lost by 80,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Clinton simply didn’t connect with voters in those 3 states.
@TonyMacaroni Well, that, and over 100 thousand provisional ballots thrown out... ?
hillary won... sad for us ll
Trump will win in 2020.
I hope we are not that stupid.
I believe his base will do it again.
The Democrats just don't seem able to inspire the undecided to get out and vote. Regardless of the outcome, I'd like to see a more than 50 percent turnout of eligible voters.
Trump will be very formidable because his base adores his and will turnout to vote.
If impeached and removed, that might not be something we have to contend with
@GinaMaria that would be a very wonderful day!
Those contenders you mentioned are all possible candidates, BUT if there is a lot of infighting in the democratic party for the next 2 years their chances of winning go down. Soon, they need to get behind ONE candidate and all push for him or her for the next 2 years. Unfortunately I don't see a strong leader emerging in the party, there was only one Obama
If Warren ran and announced Bernie as her VP or head of consumer affairs or SEC or something like that they would win.
maybe, Bernie, while he has a lot of good intentions and ideas, is way too far left to be elected in this country, might draw Warren down. after all,we are not a socialist country.!! (social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, welfare for the needy, government pension for the elite, etc)
That's why I suggested an important cabinet post. He still has a lot more supporters than the next guy.
@Anonbene no argument there, he is needed somewhere in a position of importance.
I just believe there are too many misogynists in the country to elect a woman President.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than the imbecile. Warren needs to target electoral votes too.