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What's the percentage of helicopter parents in US?

Humanlove 7 July 20

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The word is out that helicopter parenting is they are trying to hide it with use of cell phones.


There’re gonna be a lot fewer helicopters become more and more expensive.. I forgone a career to be the at home dad for my two … lots of spinning, but lots to show for it 🙂

Varn Level 8 July 20, 2018

I don't know, but I was never one. My wife and I used to laugh at the parents of a friend of my son's, who wouldn't let him walk the two blocks to our house, in a nice neighborhood. They would drive him over, and then pick him up when he left. We couldn't believe it.

Okay, I just figured out this isn't about being a proud helicopter owner. I thought for a sec that they picked him up from two blocks away in a helicopter...


I really do not have a good handle on the percentsge, even though my doctoral research touched upon this phenomenon. When I was teaching at a school where dual enrollment played a very significant role in the identity of the school, the numbers were much higher.

Since@ moving to a school district that services marginalized communities, I would be estatic if more parents were actually involved more. Helicopter or not.

t1nick Level 8 July 20, 2018

Who knows?

Helicopter parenting has been discredited lately. I'm glad. We taught our daughter self-responsibility.

My daughter Claire, 28, is disgusted by her peers whose parents always rescued them.

These young people play victim, blame others, give up easily, and don't take responsibility for their own actions and mistakes.

That's what I see in college where I go, you have to be like walking on egg shells in order to survive the next day,or else helicopter parenting products would destroy you within a second.

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