When I feel it the most is when I'm out and see couples together . Realising all my f..k ups when I was younger. A lot of beautiful love I stepped on and ran away. Today I realize why. I never received it as a child. Starving for it as I ( tried growing into a man) I ran a away from it. Today I realize. WITH LOVE COMES RESPONSIBILITY. Didication, loyalty and much more. But it sure is worth it. Hope I get one more chance. Thing is. When I'm playing shows. I still walk away from opportunities. SMDH. Guess that's why I play them blues. Good luck to all.
I didn't marry until 43,an old bachelor.Why so late? 8 years in the Air Force(1966-1975) a traveling gypsie,moving every 6 months to a years time,never long enough to establish roots to raise a family.so I got out, but the low paying jobs held me back from dating,only when I got a better job could I start looking,yes,like you,I probably messed up, or didn't see the signs of interest from Women........