Another reason to dump Face Book. Zuckerberg is only interested in his own interests, has shown he is willing to sell out his country for advertising revenue. Reports reveal Zuckerberg secretly congratulated Trump on his win days after the election.
I heard a segment on depression and Face Book on NPR. Seems people were depressed after being on Face Book. The more they were on the more they were depressed. The longer they were off the happier they became. Seems people post when they're on vacation or dinning out and there's a natural feeling of being left out. Not getting the good life that others have. It's unrealistic but apparently depressing. Dump FB spend your time with friends on Agnostic.
I use it mostly to keep in contact with others I know. but mostly I rarely go there.
so he is like our unpresident... so what's the difference? one unpresident now.. another unpresident later.