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How did people come about their current conviction on the belief or non belief of a god ? My father is an atheist but my mother believed in heaven etc. but I was raised with no brainwashing in the slightest and was allowed to make my own decisions. As I started to learn about God(s) I just found myself thinking "What a load of bollocks!" "People actually believe this stuff?"

As I grew into an adult I became more interested in other cultures and grew a fascination of how people can believe what they do especially now that pretty much most modern countries have access to instant information.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

? Stephen Roberts

Jontom2017 5 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I took a mythology course in college that the teacher decided to teach as comparative religion. When we discovered that many religions have the same beliefs ( flood, virgin birth, resurrection) it occurred to me that this was an eternal hoax. I believe religion is the cause of most major problems on earth today. Middle East most obviously.


I think that like most people, I just finally realised that other people's faith was not sufficient evidence for me. It just took me a little longer than many. Things are changing. We ran this campaign before our last census.


Not being forced to read the bible or sit in a religion class or something like that gave me a head start. I just started figuring stuff out to the best of my ability. I'm Agnostic. I have grown to love philosophical issues and thinking about topics like this. There are no concrete answers though, and there never will be.


I just couldn't comprehend each religion having a different god?


A lot of folks on this site wonder why there is so much talk about religion. A lot of us were indoctrinated at a very early age and spent years in that state. I'm 74 and nobody I knew admitted to being atheist when I grew up but now it's a different world. It took me half my life to break free and I still enjoy hearing how others do likewise. For me it was hypocrisy and reading books especially the Bible, over a period of years.

gearl Level 8 Jan 8, 2018

I was raised catholic, and actually READ the bible. That did it for me.

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