I usually wake up pretty gloomy, but today I woke up full of love for the world. There is absolutely no reason since everything that was shitty yesterday is still shitty. Whatever the reason, good morning, agnostic.com people. I love you!
I would go with...a lot of negative ionization in the atmosphere. Just saying.
No creo en Dios!
Circumstances don't care how you feel; events do not have emotions. Choose to be happy. Not naively so, but happy. I could be worse.
I feel gloomy only at home alone. I perk up and feel human again at work. On Mondays, I actually whistle a happy tune most mornings.
I get that sometimes..for absolutely no good reason I wake up and negotiate my way through the day in a good mood..in ancient times they would say.. "The Gods are smiling on you!"...or ..."The Planets were in Alignment!" .but since we know better.....we just cease the day and enjoy it..we don't ask why! ??
Funny thing, when everting is fine as well as when it’s not the only thing different is me, most of the time