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So, at last count 17,600 people signed a list to be one of the chosen to drink red liquid from a black sarcophagus where 3 skeletons were floating. Now those are some fervent believers in the healing power of that brew.

tymtravler 6 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Wankers. I'm one of millions who choose to drink a brown liquid from a variety of receptacles every morning.

We are fervent believers in the healing power of THAT brew 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 25, 2018

This world.....


Just wrong! Talk about drinking the punch. Ew!


Relax its probably just arsenic and mercury with a few unknown viruses for flavor. It might even cure their syphilis. One thing for sure, they probably won't have to worry about the syphilis anymore.


That's just nasty. I'd puke all over the place. I don't think I could even watch that without tosing.


What belief systems are the involved here? I've heard about the newly discovered black sarcophagus. Is that the one you are talking about? Why would the government of Egypt allow themselves to be exposed to the legal liability of these people drinking an unknown fluid?


Sewage water! GROSS! Urgh! I can't deal with the idea that there are people out there that would think that is a magic potion. This whole thing is gross - I'm about to vomit.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking: wasn't that... sewage?


No accounting for taste.

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