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Animals are emotional beings too.

Jc007 6 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there any doubt? At this moment, I'm looking into the eyes of my companion animal, a wonderful rescue dog whose been diagnosed with cancer, and who is wasting away before my eyes. And yet, she is still the same friend, the same walking partner, the same family member that we've had for more than 10 years. She is thrilled to see us when we get home, and happy to curl up next to us for a nap. She asks for little, yet gives so much, and our family has been blessed by her in so many ways. On the day I received the news I took this photo of a sign our vet had on the wall ... words that resonate.


i remember when i was a kid going to the snake farm just north of san antonio and them having a gorilla in a small cage...


I agree 100%.

gearl Level 8 July 24, 2018

Yes, fellow ones are.


So are plants. They care for their plant relatives, and share nutrients with them, send out calls for help to predators when attacked by insects, warn nearby plants when animals start to eat them, etc.

In fact the smell of a freshly mowed lawn is the scent alarm signal sent out by the grass to warn other grass of danger.

Plants Communicate to Warn Against Danger [] via @LiveScience

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