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Hello Commrads. How can we convince the 20-40 year olds to vote. Do they not realize that their future is in the outcome of the elections?

KateZilla 7 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Tell them their phones will be taken away if they don't vote

lerlo Level 8 July 26, 2018

Surprise surprise! Many of them are, in spite of 'Public Education', fast learners who are ambitious and achievement oriented. Also many of them are now gainfully employed in an economy far different from the ones in which they grew up. They see friends working and making good incomes as inspiration.

The kids are also seeing, in spite of media spin, what prosperity feels like and lastly... they are seeing where it is coming from. Every month their numbers are growing and the 'experts' and talking heads in what passes for news have no clue.

The coming 'Blue Wave' anticipated by the information deprived population and their eternally flawed polls next November, is going to have a smallness of staggering enormity. People really are not stupid. In fact people in the middle and to the Right on the political spectrum are the better educated portion of the population and electorate. This is why books published from authors on the Right are best non-fiction sellers. It is also why Left leaders can't sell books. Book sales require TWO THINGS. Literacy and money to afford them.

Where on the political scale does one find the overwhelming majority of broke people? With one in five Americans functionally illiterate, where do you think most of them appear on the political landscape? Winners win because it is what achievers do. Losers lose and comfort themselves with spoon-fed Left leadership fictions that it's the winners' fault...

The tide is turning faster than the 20th. Century rooted 'news' media can keep up with. Save this for next November. 🙂


Find a dynamic candidate that can energize them and inspire them to vote (e.g.'s, Kennedy, Obama).


Our future, too, Kate.

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