Posted pets, said I would post chickens today. Top left mean mean rooster with slippers on its feet,and male duck. Top female ducks they ar skittish even though we held them when they were young. The ducks lay a ton of eggs even now in winter. The duck eggs are the best to bake with. The bottom is a male and female leghorn. Had them in the house when they were chicks they will eat right out of my hand, they sometimes try to grab my skin thinking it is good to eat. The leghorns let you pet them some.
How cool... your a real farmer with animals.... I feel like a dumb city boy
Love my chickens they are complex to watch with the pecking order the rooster thinks he is in charge the ducks set him straight. Mor of a hobby than a farm. I am going to ge some sheep in the spring. I need to fence off so property first. lots of coyote around.