You're at the finish line!!
Almost !!! ?
You can do it - You can do it _rah rah rah
All help is greatly appreciated !!! ???
Henry - I care and here you go--- another comment from me. I got 8 last week and have 146,000 more to go to 9 LOL
And you will finally be somebody!
Oh no no no, that's never going to change. I know better than anybody that I am nobody. On the other hand, I know what you mean and it's appreciated
@AmelieMatisse Nooooooooooo.... don't blow my cover identity ???????????????
@IamNobody Uhhh sorry I must have misspoken I meant IRA or maybe IRS Or maybe HUA----or something else! Henry is not - repeat NOT- CIA or FBI
@AmelieMatisse thank you !!!!!! ... That should do it ??????
Nobody cares!
I know !! You comment just got me closer though. Thanks !!