Has the "Conservative Atheists" group been eliminated, or have I just been blocked?
Have you been trolling? I'm joking!!! I've visited a few times. It's too hard on my sensitive nerve endings and functioning synapses.
Hope Conservative Atheist group got the boot. Good riddance!
I just checked the groups and "Conservative Atheists" is still listed. Under the "Discuss" tab, choose "Groups." Groups are not in alphabetical order. Page down.
Anecdotally speaking , it seems to me that American politics is closely tied to personality more so than perspective . So if someone criticizes a Republican politician , especially a president , it will tend to be treated as an attack upon the Republican party , and by extension the conservative movement . I have had liberal friends on Facebook report a similar experience , in regards to a liberal group there , after they criticized Hillary Clinton . So like I said , the individual political figure , and the political ideology can wind up becoming intertwined in a number of peoples minds .
That's funny. I'm a registered republican. Just not a conservative.
Not only with politics. I have notice that when I have visited the US, people get angry with you if you have a different opinion to them about some topics. They do not seem to be able to discuss issues, but get very defensive.
When I point out that Hilary is a horrible person they attack me. I do remind them of the data, they are clowns for the clintons, and if they keep pissing of Bernie people they will continue to lose.
(we are going to lose because of white liberal women and their love of vagina. )
@MissaDixon Just out of curiosity, what "data"???? Exactly what data is there that proves Hillary is a "horrible person"????
@Jolanta so do other countries ad the republican party is no more there is no way that this can be excused
Funny, the term term 'conservative atheists' almost sounds oxymoronic to me.
You definitely got the "moronic" part right.
@Renickulous perhaps not, but I'd wager you're something of a rarity in the greater conservative movement/community.
@Renickulous well, keep on trucking, young man, you've got a very long way to go.
@Bierbasstard I actually agree. The labels are only useful for divisiveness.
@Bierbasstard I just think it comes down to $$ and the quest for power.
@squiggy_70 On " fascism" [i.pinimg.com]
What reason could they possibly have for blocking someone so clearly sympathetic to their cause? ??
Actually, I never went there and started shit.
I did, however, engage with a few of them elsewhere.
Oh well. I'll go cry in the corner now.
I have never had any interaction with them and never felt a need to.
This way they can cut down on getting flagged for hate speech, lol! Maybe they are smarter than they look, naw.
I have not given much thought to it but - is it difficult to be a conservative atheist in this country?
They seemed to think so. As I recall, many of their posts were full of butthurt, and hate. Mustn't forget the hate.
@Renickulous you misspelled slaver, racist, only young well white men have the right to a life.
Let's not make those kinds of fuck ups again. Use the correct words.
Honesty is a quality clowns don't have. ( clinton's people included.)
@Renickulous it seems like you fit right in with the people in power now.
@Renickulous pretty sure Voldemort does not really care about religion.LOL
@Renickulous I'm a school teacher for part of my life...so I'm a correct terminology person...so I don't let anyone use terms that are meant to cover up the turd in the punch bowl.
@Renickulous yes...i'm just use the correct words not the nice words.
pro-life = slaver (they enslave women )
anti-immigration = racist
small government = no protections from those with privilege aka white men.
Use the correct terms, so no one is confused by cover-up language the right (and the left) use to sway people.
do you get it now?
@Renickulous good!!! I was hoping
@Renickulous I don't debate being enslaved, or being lesser, or anything on that spectrum. no need.
@Renickulous You can be pro life til the cows come home. A woman's health issues and her body are between her doctor and herself. Men have this right so should women. You have a penis and therefore have NO say in what choices a woman makes. The gop have no women on there healthcare panels and if there are it is a pro life. To be balanced and fair pro choice needs a seat at the table.
@Renickulous Your belief that a fertilized egg is a human is not scientific, at 9 weeks it is not a viable anything. Nothing to defend.
I am a woman and NO man gets to tell me what to do with my body.
I have never been to war, that is correct, and your opinions mean nothing. WOW ! so not how to have a good debate. My opinions are mine and not subject to whether YOU think they have meaning or not.
You wanted to debate but I could see from your comments in the thread you offer no compromise. Hense you have no vagina STAY out of ours.
I am done and wish no further 'debate'.
I can't see it either.
I'm guessing it's down? Which is puzzling - unless they finally had such a huge dumpster fire that Admin pulled it.
No telling.
@TheAstroChuck Thanks! You're so awesome!
@TheAstroChuck Aww thank you! Will have warm cookies ready.
Seems most of my friends have also been blocked.
My guess would be someone is adding every member name from the Trump Pinata list of members. The bulk of my friends do belong to that.
I like my conservative friends post on my Facebook page, it's always intriguing how they seem to live in a different reality.
@TheAstroChuck Thank you.