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On arguments for God(s) existence:

Is it just me, or is it a fact, that with every term that is used in arguments to support God(s) existence (e.g. morality, nothing, design, knowledge, etc.) each of those terms is defined in a unique way for that argument from its' definition in any other context?

This, to me, is so common and egregious that I think it's reasonable to say that anything supporting God-beliefs relies on a special-pleading fallacy.

Rhetoric 7 July 27

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For me it always comes back to the same unassailable wall of logic.which is.... that which can be asserted without evidence..may be dismissed without evidence..


This is accurate. Press on any belief hard enough and facts must be presented to provide solid support for those beliefs. With faith this is especially damning since faith is not based on evidence.


For me, to even consider the possibility of a god(s) existence, there must be evidence, facts and data to support such a claim and in my opinion, none has been presented to date.


It is a belief it does what it does

weeman Level 7 July 27, 2018
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