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Do you find yourself coming to this site because it is less stressful than Facebook? I just realized today that I am doing that. I need the break from political morons for instance.

Hathacat 9 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Seems to me that this site has "thinking" people on it and FB has a lot of twatts on it, and non twatts too.


I'm on both sites daily. Whether I post anything is another matter. It's nice to "like" something but FB seems to be collecting them.

They want you to "like" so they can give you the right commercials and ads. My biggest problem is relatives I can't block, because it would be rude. I find myself being in a bad mood after I have been on there for a half hour.


Yes, its been two weeks since I last signed in to facebook.


Shit that reminds me I completely forgot to visit facebook today. Again!! 🙂

Salo Level 7 July 27, 2018

I like not being asked if I know a particular member, having things recommended to me that I'm not interested in, or ads every 4th post competing for what I am here to read or see.

The ads....oy


Absolutely !!!!!!


Yeah, I guess so.

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