19 3

Why do you think theists follow their religion of choice:

A) Indoctrination of fear at an early age.

B) The promise of reward after death.

C) Everyone else is doing it.

D) The need for spiritual guidance.

E) Because the bible says to.

F) Inability to realize that religion was created by man to control man.

Religulous 6 July 27

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All of the above.


I would say it would be reasons : a,b,d,and f There is another option that could be the reason as well. All of the above.


All religious people fear being powerless and ignorant and are drawn toward people and ideologies which offer them the promise of power, belonging, control, and understanding. Read Erich Fromm's ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM.


I doubt that people CHOOSE their beliefs. Rather, they are convinced early by their care-givers and then by reason/evidence if they choose to inquire. Of course they can also choose what group to hang out with and they might be convinced by the group propaganda. But part of the indoctrination by care-givers is that they are not to inquire or to hang out with unbelievers...


G all of the above.
You should have made this a poll.


A & D first.
But all of the above really.

Sirena Level 7 July 28, 2018

I think that many talk of God so that people believe them to be good.

MrDMC Level 7 July 28, 2018

There are as many reasons as there are religions.
Everyone is different.
I stopped trying to figure out why people maintain the delusions they do.
I've always contended that religious faith is a mental illness.


The main reason is simply the circumstances and geography of birth.

You are born and locked into religion..the formative years are replete with indoctrination by parents..the various religious clergy..the education etc.


All of the above for sure. Also notice that if you know those who have popped in and out of belief you can usually find that they had a love interest who influenced them to do so. No, it wasn't Jesus.


All of the above. and I would add G) they enjoy the community and fear losing it if they leave, H) (related but different) maintaining both personal and tribal identitiy, I) Status quo bias and J) The enduring effects of hyperactive agency detection.

I will probably think of more later. The point is that religiosity is a pretty complex phenomenon.


A, C, F

That is all.


I think most are just going with the flow


All of the above but primarily A, B, & D plus:

  • ignorance and/or stupidity and/or lack of education / exposure to other viewpoints
  • family and/or societal pressure

Never of my concern. I don't think about theists.


All of the above, with the addition that they also haven't read their 'holy' book from beginning to end using the critical thinking they may have learned.

Yeah - lack of critical thinking is a good one.


All of the above

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