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Does one have to have a “religion” to delve into their own sense of spirituality?

For me, I use my daily meditation which can immediately allow me, through out of body experiences, to go into my own presence when I desire to. This is in consort with an enjoyment of nature also........much more fluid and joyful for me than dogma and ritual behaviors.

Dan1947 6 July 28

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No. I don't have religious beliefs, but I also meditate and communicate with nature. We are our own gods.


It depends on how you define "spirituality". There is nothing to prevent one seeking self improvement and tranquility just because they don't identify with any religion. There is nothing to prevent one seeking personal meaning and purpose, transcendence of the human condition generally or one's own insecurities / weaknesses / demons specifically. There is nothing to prevent one from being more self-aware, or from exploring non-rational (e.g., intuitive) insights. Or from being more moral, ethical, kind, etc.

But on the other hand, I am unconvinced that you need personal subjective experiences, altered state of consciousness, etc., or that these are necessary to those goals. I think they are capable of misleading one, and, in my admittedly limited experience, tend to lead one to conclusions that in my view aren't actionable because they aren't intersubjectively substantiatable.

I totally agree though that if people were really "fluid and joyful", whether via nature or whatever, that would for the most part be a Good Thing. Particularly if that doesn't require some special state, but can sustainably permeate, and integrate with, all aspects of life. I applaud genuine contentment and equanimity, almost regardless of how it is achieved, even by methods I don't understand or trust.

The problem is that sometimes what is claimed as genuine, isn't. But the real deal -- if you have that, then more power to you. Far be it from me to tell you it's not legit. Write a book, clue the rest of us in on it, change the world if you're able to.


I’m good with the little things that trigger pleasant memories, most often views ..occasionally smells, always music… Fleeting ..but delicious!

I finished a day of mowing ..a day ago, on a ridge, the sky was alive - in every direction! Nearly went for my binoculars to better focus on a massive, pure white billowing cloud, but was afraid to miss the side lit grandeur of the others ...including the neighboring cow pasture and distant blue ridge.

There’s so much to inspire and intrigue … had I sat down on the lawn with a magnifying glass I’d likely have been equally amazed.. May walk down to the local stream this evening, see if the snapping turtles are out … maybe gaze at the stars tonight.. We live within multiple planes, needing to make up nothing - what more could anyone want 🙂

Varn Level 8 July 28, 2018
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