It always makes me laugh when anti-gay bible belters quote the King James bible. As King James I was about the biggest "queen" in the history of the British monarchy
Yeah. He was.
There is nowhere in teh bible where Jesus himself said anything about homosexuality. That was all supposedly from an apostle after Jesus had already died. Sort of a carry over from jewish laws prescribed in Leviticus, which only that one thign seems to be kept out of Leviticus out of all the prohibitions in today's Christianity.
For a more complete academic reading, try "Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality" by John Boswell, publi9shed by the University of Chicago Press. It covers Christian attitudes about homosexuality up until the 13th century.
I thought he was doing it as an Anti-Catholic thing for political purposes; is there any indication that he was a believing Christian in the closet?
He was anti-catholic because the English establishment wanted to be. and they had his gay thing for blackmail.