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This foreign guy goes to the beach ..he's walk in up and down the beach with his chest out and his tummy tucked in...
But he's just not getting noticed by any of the females...
Another male feels sorry for him so let's him into his secret to get female attention..

"You need to take a large potato.. . And shove it down your me it works wonders!"

Ok thanks says the foreign guy..and off he goes to find a potato.

An hour later the foreign guy comes running up the beach to him..shouting "Women run away..women run away!"

"Holy cow buddy !" The potato is supposed to go down the front of your pants not the back!"

Hitchens 8 July 29

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Just saw an article on Facebook , about the , " husband stitch. " It seems there are some doctors who take it upon themselves to not only stitch a woman up after she gives birth , but stitch more than was required without the woman's consent , which has often resulted on ongoing pain during sex , to the point that it has caused the break up of marriages , because sex is so very painful for the woman . Something to look into if sex has suddenly become painful for you after you've given birth .

Have you checked the source? I hope thats not true but stranger things... n whatnot. Ive heard a guy say he jokingly told the doctor to “throw a couple extra stitches in there” at his childs birth and got the death glare from both doc and wife lol, I really hope there are not medical professionals who would ever take that seriously trying to perform impromptu vaginoplasty though thats pretty rotten. I would think a rich husband would have to secretly bribe a doc to get em to risk their medical license like that.



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potatoe (uncountable)

Misspelling of potato.

@CallMeDave It's a cut and more of an edit issue..apart from the infamous Dan Quayle misspelling.. of potato..apparently the New York Times is the biggest misspeller of the word...?

@CallMeDave It's a cut and more of an edit issue..apart from the infamous Dan Quayle misspelling.. of potato..apparently the New York Times is the biggest misspelled of the word...?

I believe you're the only one to spell it correctly .



Xena Level 6 July 29, 2018

I thought cucumbers were the in thing

Its whatever you prefer..?

@Hitchens actually I'm thinking I'd prefer the real deal.


Real cucumbers are much better than plastic ones ?


At childhood a buddy of mine used a sock, he always said he didn't had enough.




+potato -- singular
+potatoes --- plural

Any more than one down there hurts like a bastard.. cause they giggle about a lot. (a friend told me).

Don't blame me for the was cut and pasted from Dan Quayle' s homepage ???


If you think about where this , "size of a potato ," thing is supposed to eventually go , they'd probably run away even it he'd put it in the front instead of the back.

Maybe a carrot would have looked like he was standing to! ?


I'm going to have to Google that one.

Maybe a Butternut Squash would be too ambitious.

@Hitchens Well , most certainly the ones in the gardening group , would be .

@Cast1es Too the Gardening Group.. I'm guessing that size is everything! ?

@Hitchens I believe the guys want a tight fit . If you want a tight fit , then insist on stuffing oversized things there , eventually , it won't be a tight fit . If you suggest you're oversized , and she's a tight fit , she may not want to try you on for size . While it's true that babies come from there , that usually involves slicing open and sewing shut , not fun ! So try being realistic .

@Cast1es Maybe just be grateful for what we have..?

@Hitchens Yeah , sometimes pretend , " enhancement , " may not be a great idea .

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