45 16

First Date Question: "How aware are you of your traumas and suppressed emotions and how are you actively working to heal them before you try to project that shit on me?"

AwarenessNow 8 July 29

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45 comments (26 - 45)

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Damned good and relevant question, but you would drive a lot of potential suitors away with that one. Perhaps that is just as well.


This is why I don't date much anymore


good luck with that line !


The date must have been a hoot! ?

Livia Level 6 July 29, 2018

Each of us carries "Baggage",past relationships,upbringings,work, personal habits,likes, and dislikes.Now to see if all the various parts match up,the smooth mesh of a finely tuned high speed gearbox,running for many years with little maintenance.


Holy shit!
What happened to: "Yowza! She's HOT!"
I'm going to push my luck and ask her out!!!


That's brilliant!


If you don't want a 2nd date that is probably a fantastic question


Silly, Random and Fun? Ok it's random? Baffled.

Seems like group therapy negativity... Or something?


Geeze I try not to be into drama and crisis. But it sounds like you got burned fairly bad. So I guess you may now be in a position to have to works out a few negative kinks. Sometimes life truly sucks.


Assuming there is shit.


Yeah you might want to hold that one for the third date or so.


What kind of results have you had asking that question?


Ha! I wish we could be so straight forward!


If they were aware, would they still be projecting?

Pook Level 5 July 30, 2018

Having read all the responses, I'm not sure whether this was intended to be tongue-in-cheek, or serious.
If the first, I think on a first date any attempted humor in this question would be missed. If serious, I agree with the response that suggested walking out.
THEN I read the response about wasting on women who don't want sex. Is that what this is really about? I think it's fair to determine very early on what sort of relationship might be possible before anyone wastes their time or other resources on a relationship that doesn't meet their criteria. Although that's very personal, I still think it's fair game and should be asked in the conversations that precede the first date.

@HotAlutiiq Nor should you be. I think both parties to a new relationship should share their ultimate expectations very early on. Clearly if you get a horrified reaction to bringing up the idea that sex would need to be part of the relationship, you move on.


I wonder how aware are you to being with


That seems more like a third or fourth date question to me. 🙂


I've got enough to do, dancing with my own demons to make some other broken soul my pet project. Learn to cha-cha with your own demons, leave me out of it.


Maybe a 3rd date question unless I know she's just as obsessed with wacky thought experiments and deep conversations as I am

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