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Much thanks to my betters.

I am average: height, weight, intelligence, income, and disposition. I can carry a conversation, and read a bit...but I have the attention span of a Boston Terrier...and the literacy of a teenager.

I thank all of you out there who are better than me. With the most profound admiration...I know my limits. You are younger, or older. Taller, or shorter. Man or woman. Boy or girl.

Too many people bristle when they meet the smarter, faster, more wealthy, and/or more worldly human beings. They are the risk takers, trend setters, or silent-servers.

Me? I know my limits. Though I do no harm...I am average. And I thank you.

Jack-of-scythes 6 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Are you satisfied with that?


I doubt that you are "average". Don't sell yourself short.


Nobody is better than anyone else. What is this post all about?

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