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Have faith, fellow patriots. I am convinced that Mueller has the evidentiary sources and is systematically building such a solid case against Trump that it cannot be denied. He is much more likely to go for impeachment than for indictment, and he knows that his case has to be so overwhelmingly powerful that current Trump supporters in Congress would be faced with the choice of voting to impeach Trump or being branded as traitors to our country and democracy. When their own political necks are on the line, even Trump supporters will finally find the moral backbone to do the right thing.

wordywalt 9 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe I am a cynic, but I believe there are a significant number of Trump supporters (in or out of Congress) who would never support impeachment. They are willfully ignorant. They are so besotted with power that even the prospect of being labelled treasonous will not deter them. And, it hasn’t yet. Look how they (in the House) have tried to bury evidence of Russian interference.

The “know” in their hearts that their intentions are true even while they know they accepted money and support from neo-Nazi groups, racists and Russians on the Chinese. Despite their religious tenets, they believe that their end goals justify any means to win.

Then we must expose them for the immoral hypocrites that they are and put the spotlight on that fact.


let us hope so


We ahould concentrate on voting this year. Throw the bastards out of office.


From your lips to G--- never mind.


I just hope that you are wrong. To lose the best president since Kennedy would be death sentence for America. Liberals would destroy the country and get entrenched that they would no longer be shakeable into exile. I believe that opposite will take place. People are scared. I no longer wear "make America better" cap. To many violent brainless liberals. I think that same think as election in Ontario will happen, there liberal party ceased to exist. It will be a sweeping victory for the republicans. So help us god.

I do not see a single intelligent or truthful comment in your response.

@wordywalt I second that for many reason.

Liberals are the VIOILENT ones? Oh, really haven't been paying attention have you?

Wow, I had heard people like you exist but...Kennedy, really? OK well if we are going to go there, may your idolized leader meet the same fate as Kennedy.

@Bobby9 It wasn't a liberal that killed the woman in Charlottsville. Fuck your false equivalency.

Call Arizonajerry "Comrade".


Based on what trump has done, said and gotten clean away with all of his rotten life...I am not hopeful

Xena Level 6 July 31, 2018

This time he does not have a Roy Cohn and he is facing an adversary better than he has ever seen. Guillani is doing him no favors.

@wordywalt ya gotta admit though...trump seems to have a force field around him..."shields up!"

@Xena "Force field" = Russian mob.


I hope you are right. Can Mueller start an impeachment himself? I don't know about that. Plus with all the shit tRUMP has gotten away with and the repubs do nothing about it, even if evidence is overwhelming will they act on it. This republican congress has no interest in serving the people of this country just the big business interests who have paid them.

No. He submits his report to Congress and it is made public. That is the key point -- it is made public.

@wordywalt Ok, but I still don't trust this congress to do anything. Yes, tRUMP could shoot someone on the streets of new York and just walk away. He has NEVER been held accountable for any of the crap he has done. Sorry about the pessimism but so far.....

@wordywalt His report goes to the DOJ.

@Sticks48 Yeah, Sessions!!!!!

@starwatcher-al Rosenstein on this one, unless Trump fires him first.

@Sticks48 Ok , thanks on that.

@Bobby9 "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" We already have him in collusion with a foreign power in interfering with the election process of the US. Profiting from his position as president and the list goes on. I'm sure Mueller will fill in the rest of the offenses.

@starwatcher-al collusion is not a crime...we want the moron to be charged with conspiracy

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