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Okay so I think I've had a pretty stressful day, after getting up at 0600 am to cook breakfasts, was left to it which is fine for my sis to finish setting up the gazebo and garden for surprise party, i helped too, covered sides of bookings, check ins breakfast made 2 cheesecakes, well with bit of assistance, delegate jobs, long story!! everyone pulled together after weeks of work, party all set up food to feed 50, bouncy castle decks to play Motown ( pal did it despite last night before being away for weeks) my mums decoy aka her sister she isn't happy with due to most important cousin having no guests at wedding!! To let you know she has metastatic breast ca now in lungs spine skull cortex brain and now brain... Well she decided to ignore her phone, I received a couple of calls about a 3rd viewing to the bnb...she ignored thereafter all calls and we'll worry (previous seizures) turned into frustration and upset that she refused to come to surprise party, said the onus was on us for not telling her! Everyone asked turned up, cousins, friends neighbours, so sad was a catastrophe prob her last bday she eventually came, insulted me, was horrible, she seemed to appear to loosen off, remained away from party but in conservatory where people approached her individually, a friend who's a single mother spent £100 on a cake, she expressed her upsets that my mother refused to come and the effort emotion it hurt her, one my best friends!! Following this, info for of close friends and a guest affronted me and my sister what a boo boo we had made! That the realisation of a designer cake was sufficient to make her feel bad. My response.... That we have been working 24 hours a day!! I can't sleep neither can my mother. But I did an 84 hour day with 2 hours sleep....she thinks I'm lazy and spend time in bed during the day...Me and my twin sister are so upset we spent weeks painting, decorating, digging planting feeding, wiring lights, made a bar, spent hundreds and hundreds of pounds on drink and food, the work probably a £1000. Me a d my sister locked ourselves In my room. After a huge insult we refused to open the door for an hour!!! After my mothers guilt that my friend and helper at bnb had made such a massive effort, so degraded that like always ours was in vain, made a folder why we haven't been to see her! The blood shed and tears, I apologise but just had to get this off my chest, also my sister resigned after not taking in all of her furniture, despite a unsafe gazebo, another night working, well two hours till breakfast, and 14 hours to a house viewing fffffff...feeling as deflated as the bouncy castle but that's just half of it! Just my day today anyone had a bad day too? Oh and my house rabbit has no hutch, I'm away to cuddle him, and my boyfriend travelled 120 miles to see me for 1-2 hours, Sorry Just offloading! How's everyone else's yesterday's or today's? My cleaning staff were all boozy might be me on my own 😟

Freethinker23 3 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I've lived long enough to learn my lesson.

I don't believe in surprise parties, or springing things on people that might not be wanted. A few times, that was done to me, and I wasn't happy about it at all.

I also don't believe in putting out giant efforts and expense for parties. I can see a spontaneous picnic at the beach or lake with close friends, or ordering in a couple of pizzas, but NO WAY am I going to put out any effort and I certainly wouldn't allow a big party in my house. If someone wants a big party, they can host it themselves, and everyone can contribute food and drinks.

I got married at the beach at a destination wedding with a few close friends and we ate by the ocean at nearby restaurant afterward, then the rest took off kayaking. I grabbed my camera and went birding afterward on a small island.

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