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This is what my job entails. I happily oblige.

Is there anything about your job that you absolutely LOVE!!!!

graceylou 8 Aug 1

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I love watching people with mental and physical impairments have success in spite of their disability. They have people in their lives that say they cannot do anything and I have witnessed them prove those people wrong.

I used to work with kids with learning and developmental disabilities, tutoring them with school work. I loved it!!


Everthing but setting up and tearing down the equipment.There is nothing else that compares to playing music for me except for sex and l can't do that for three or for hours.

May be with some break time in between.

@graceylou Yes, most definitely if so inspired. ?


I love trying to make people who are having a terrible day have a somewhat less shitty day.


Don't get me wrong, It's not so much my job that has anything I love, although I do like my job.
But the thing I really love is that I volunteer at a homeless shelter often.
I love helping people as much as I can.
An every now and the I get the chance to talk to some one who is down and try ti lift their spirits.
And when it works, that's the best feeling in the world.


Helping people, I love to help people fix their problems. ?

And Ms. Fix it .


As an arborist/landscaper of 30+ years I work outdoors, every day, year round, and I absolutely love it!

Dew25 Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

I luv that I get to work at home!!!?


I'm a self made IT guy just for myself and family. I could not do your job. I'd be too busy petting the doggies.

But that's what my job is. LOL. But I also run the whole place, clean, do bookings, and do paperwork.

@graceylou Sounds like you got a great job, Graceylou. Myself I deliver auto parts 3 hours a day and then back home to my computers.

@DenoPenno I used to work at another place doing the same thing but just opened my own boarding facility a little over a week ago. Now I work for myself. It's been much better.

@graceylou Congratulations!! Best of luck and all that jazz to you in your new business. That's awesome!


That's looks sooooo fun! Yes, I get to make things and get paid lots for it. 😀

It’s so much fun. Dogs are always happy to see you. But you do get hurt a lot working this job. I’ve gotten scratched all the way to bitten badly. Black eye, busted lips, scraped knees. But I love it. I wouldn’t want to do anything else.


I'm an RN. There is plenty about my job that I love but I think I'm ready to retire. Working with the public in any capacity is tedious. It seems people have become more entitled and more disrespectful over the years. Maybe I am just a cranky old person.....


I love my job ,but I am ready to retire. Your job working with dogs looks great...maybe I can do some volunteer work that would be just as satisfying for me...I mean, how many days can I possibly just hang out at the beach doing nothing? I am meant to do more! lol


I love working in IT without having to do any programming or system administration.


Some lucky dogs right there!

I like problem solving. I enjoy the challenge. Working in hospitality I love that I've been doing it long enough that every worker at my hotel knows that I can fix almost an problem. It can also be exhausting, having to help keep that many plates spinning, but when my boss, her boss, and his boss, the GM all ask for my help independently of each other in the same day, as well as a dozen or so other long time employees, it is just awesome.

Mr. Fix it .


I work from home

@graceylou Your job is better than mine

Actually, I work from home too. My pet hotel is just down my driveway from my house.


Um, I love that my boss and I are separated by 8 floors. Does that count? LOL!

Sure why not. I'm my own boss so I can't be separated too far from that bitch. LOL.

@graceylou LOL


These are really adorable pics,looks extremely fun and heart warming ?

I've had awesome guests so far.


I love the infinite complexities, the neverending challenges, the constant lessons, and the fact that i am able to help people manage their lives. Their appreciation is always heartwarming.


I’m currently looking for something new. The dislikes have begun to outweigh the likes.

Good luck. This is why I opened my own business. Tired of working in the hectic messy crazy other place that focuses on quantity over quality.


I work for an engineering company, I am constantly being challenged and my knowledge keeps growing. Other than having to get up too early it's more like playing.


Wow.. I love animals..especially dogs..I feel so happy around them..I envy you. ?

I have four dogs of my own as well, so I'm constantly around dogs.

@graceylou Me too.. I'm like a child around dogs..?

@Hitchens I worked at a boarding facility the last 6 years where I worked with a lot of dogs (the most at one time was 51 dogs I cared for all by myself). I left that place to open my own boarding business. It had taken 3 years to get this place to where it could open and have guests, though my vision goes far beyond what it is currently so the place keeps expanding.


I don't even know you Gracey.. yet I am proud of what you have acheived so far..well done ??

@Hitchens Hope you make a connection !

@Cast1es we are all connected Castles..?


I used to work with dogs, it was my zen place. I was in charge of their socialization and there's something wonderful about watching dogs interact and interacting with them on their level.

Now I drive a truck for a construction equipment rental company. The long drives are nice, but bittersweet cause I have to deal with a lot of people on the roads. Over a million people living in our territory, which makes for a lot of idiots on the road. One day I'll save enough to open my own kennel.

I've worked in pet boarding for years now. I used to be an academic. LOL. I prefer working with dogs. I'm working at my own pet boarding facility now. I has been a lot of work getting here.

@graceylou I had to switch when I had a child cause working with dogs for someone else doesn't pay. I've been working with dogs since I could walk though. My grandpa was a dog catcher and he'd bring home dogs that were slated to be put down and we'd care for them til we could find them a home. He saw I had a gift with dogs and nurtured that. I have a rather unique plan that I want to do. Long story short, offer free doggie daycare with the option to pay to reserve a spot. In theory, with an awesome service, spots will fill up fast and people will pay to reserve their spot as to not be turned away from being at capacity.


Its hard work but I do what I love, building and designing parts (albeit for and industry I honestly don't find all that interesting); but they treat me right, pay me well and I get along great with all my co-workers. What else could one really ask for


I work in a music store so I get paid to demo, talk about and sell guitars, banjos, mandolins and ukuleles all day... don’t tell them but I was gonna do most of that even I wasn’t working🙂


I Love being Retired... I tell you that much. I wouldn't trade.

I think being retired would drive me crazy.

@graceylou Many say that. I never been more Sane! Now I am the one driving others crazy.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I bet. I can't stop working and relaxation drives me bonkers. I need to work work work.

@graceylou Nah... you need to learn to relax... dying while in the job do not make you a martyr or grant you heaven.


Not many jobs offer you no strings attached true love .

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