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Do you think that godlessness is increasing or decreasing in our culture and why?

BrigittaCuadros 6 Oct 14

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I see claims of godlessness increasing, but I don’t see evidence that we’re genuinely more self-possessed. Friends who no longer pray to God think nothing of thanking the “Universe” for a bit of good fortune, and self-professed non-believers cling as often, and as dogmatically, to their identities as believers ever did. When we give up alcohol we take up smoking or overeating. When we give up preaching about God we take up preaching about non-God. We are identity-bound creatures by nature, and it’s very difficult to fool Mother Nature.

skado Level 9 Jan 8, 2018

Increasing due to science and the internet plus the hypocrisy and stupidity of church doctrine. It is clearer to the young that religion is used for power and money with little good coming from it.


Increasing.1: because the internet can quickly connect those having doubts with others of like mind, which can validate those doubts and 2: because religion's most vocal are putting a horrible face forward, publicly, at least here in the US.

Zster Level 8 Oct 15, 2017

Increasing due to the heartless, tasteless, atrocious behavior the Christian movement is showing the world.

SamL Level 7 Oct 15, 2017

probably increasing


on the rise.


I absolutely believe it is increasing...I think that the coming generations may make non-religious the majority. Wish I could be around for it...

Me too!


Increasing. The younger generations having access to information and it becoming more accepted to be non-religious.

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