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What are your plans for the rest of the summer?

UrsiMajor 8 Aug 2

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Working my regular job (cardiac sonographer) and running my AirBnB in Gig Harbor, WA. Really looking forward to a hosting long-term friends later this month. Then an aaahhhh vacation--a train trip and week at Glacier National Park for hiking, nature-loving, jaw-dropping, chilling, exploring and ideally meeting cool fellow vacationers.

So the AirBNB works well for you? Better than standard rentals? I have landlord experience, but you leave your personal belongings in the AirBnB?


To just enjoy a proper summer in the UK, boy do we fucking moan about the weather, too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too foggy, too bloody everything 😮


Garden chores....deadheading, splitting up some of the big hostas and enjoying the last little bit of Lantana color before the first frost hits. The nuts are already falling out of the trees like crazy - think that means an early first frost date?


My boys and I have had a wonderful summer. They go back to school on Wednesday. School starting always feels like the end of summer to me, even though it’s early August.


Outdoor activities as much as possible because.... ready for it?... Winter is coming !!! ??


Playing music, working towards starting a band. I have a singer & piano player. Looking for a drummer and guitarist. Maybe a sax player.

Basically, my plans for the rest of the summer is to have as much fun as possible. ?

That is awesome! My husband is a professional drummer, but we are moving to Wilmington.

@thinktwice Nice! My bf is a professional composer/pianist. He's a jazz guy but I make him play rock tunes in my band, lol. ?


Read Kindle books, watch Netflix and The Dead Zone, go birding, eat KFC ice cream cones, live in the tropics by the ocean.


Vacation for the rest of the month doing whatever I feel like doing. Trying to spend 2 hours a day walking my dog. I'd like to organize my watch collection, & take as few work calls as possible...


well edinburgh festival starts today so another yr of promising myself i,ll enjoy some shows followed by 3 wks of avoiding doing anything to make it happen after that magic mushroom season


Work, build Falconry housing facilities, connect with others to hopefully help trap a Ferruginous Hawk

PaulD Level 5 Aug 2, 2018

That's original.... Use Mighty Dog if you want to trap a pomeranian or fox. Tuna fish works for opossums and cats.

@UrsiMajor I’ll use my hawk to catch a fox lol. Falconry is the ancient art of hunting. It’s the second oldest form of hunting on the planet.

@PaulD Yeah, I have a stare down with the Ospreys that moved onto the top of the neighbors' motorboat. They want to fly off with my Pomeranian. Not on my watch.

@UrsiMajor Most people don’t realize hawks will eat family pets unfortunately. That’s awesome how you pay attention for your dog’s safety.


Staying in the air conditioning as much as possible.


Fish my bit off ?


I live in Florida, so my plans are the same as any other time of the year.
Although, A lot of my old friends from up north come down and stay a while. we always have a great time.
A little beach, a little sight seeing, a Lot of drinking. Some great cook outs, remenicing, and catching up.
So I guess in a way those are my plans for the summer.


Work, as much as possible … so as to kick back during the ‘off season’ and enjoy another winter on Virginia’s Blue Ridge 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

Got furniture to buy, house or apartment to rent, decorate, go to Florida and Maryland to pick up stuff and take it from there. A little R/R in Lake Tahoe perhaps?


Trying to keep my job. Trying to stay sane in an age of heightened anxiety. Hoping to harvest some tomatoes and other garden produce. And watching the grandbabies grow. Oh, and 3 quilts to work on.

Post pictures of the quilts. I like to look at stuff.

@UrsiMajor I have posted pictures of my stuff in various groups. I will make sure they are also on my profile.

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