Been away for a while. My poor brother is in hospital. He has an acquired brain injury and experiences a unique phenomena where reality and dream states are indistinguishable. My poor boy. He is tortured. In addition my beloved ex father in law is ill. I miss him so much. I had imagined I could turn off caring but you can't. Life continues apace at the university, a brand new cohort of student nurses arrives next month and my other job continues to pay well but stresses me out. How are you guys? Share your Jayne
What we can say in our side do not compare to your ordeal. Best Wishes and prompt recoveries.
@amisja, Good to hear from you again, but goodness ! What a load you are carrying.
Mind you, I tend to do that too, carry other people along the way. I have hubby who is getting depressed after being told, post injury, he cannot go back to his old profession, so he had best (at 54) retrain for another job, said the surgeon cheerfully ?. We don't have the luxury of retirement as we married late, so still have dependent children and a mortgage
His dad is increasingly wobbly, at 85, lives up the road, and I do a lot of dropping in and chatting as, sadly, my husband, his only child, really doesn't get on with him. It's not dislike, they just never understood each other. Hubby is ex army, tree surgeon and runner type. His dad was a professor and academic.
But, my factory job carries us along, we have a lovely home, cats and children. Count your blessings and soldier on. It's all we can do.
My mother had a great phrase, she brought up seven children, worked as a physiotherapist and looked after my nana, and when anyone asked "How are things going?" Her reply was "Getting there !"
Keep looking at those wonderful lads of yours and tell yourself you have done a great job. Then yell at one of them to get you a cup of tea!
Hello, Jayne. Wow! You are certainly dealing with a lot of stressful events right now. I'm glad you checked in with us. I hope your life smooths out over the next couple of months.
We're pretty good here. The community continues to grow and thrive. The Gardeners are growing fabulous plants, the handcrafters and artists are making beautiful things and the writers are helping us think in new ways. There's now an active Hallowe'en group you might like to check out. And, of course, lots of fabulous animal pictures are still being posted.
Take care. One day at a time. Check in whenever you need a break