The Donald said he did not say that certain countries are sh*tholes. I'm wondering, are there recordings of this talk ?
There doesn't need to be any recordings. We have Sen. Lindsay Graham in the room at the time saying it happened (not directly but certainly undeniably). He also said he spoke his piece to Trump about what Trump had said. There is also Dick Durban
(very level headed statesman) in the room at the time that came out specifically and forcefully that it did happen and that Trump used the racist term several times. It's funny because, there are 2
Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue, who actually had the balls to say they don't recall him saying that. That's not a denial that he said it, but it sure is a cowards cop-out to stay on Trump's good side. Outrageous!
Since I can't edit, the rainbows are for republican and the martini is for democrat. Geez ...
I don't think so. He's made it clear about all electronic devices. He's very careful and careless at different moments of the game. I'm surprised he slipped like he
Well then If that's the case , how convenient
Might not be a slip, Bob. He might want to appear to be losing his mind, a preferable(?) alternative to impeachment and prison.
@Ninjasis. Wow.... never thought about that....
There are likely recordings (as long as there was a Google device in the room). Google records everything, all the time, but edits the recordings so you can only hear clips of you using Assistant. If they were willing to admit they do this, they could release the recordings and answer millions of questions Americans have.