This is a major rant about men not reading profiles.
I am here for dating and I have an issue about men messaging me without first reading my profile. I may not be everyone's cup of tea but I put some effort in what I write, it's not a bunch of nonsense. I am very direct and I state clearly and deliberately who I am, what I do, what I want, what I have to offer and what I am looking for. I also state that these things are very important to me. I don't know what other people do in their single profiles but simply I feel I need to do this as I am really sick of the BS that appears in my inbox. I'm getting messages from men who are clearly not reading and when they are prompted to, don't care what I want or what I am looking for.
For instance. I state I am a Liberal, and am even into activism. I am even shown in one of my pics wearing a pink pussy hat. I state that I am not interested in Republicans, Conservatives or believers, yet, I get lots of messages from Republicans who message me, (and in the last few cases their political stance is not stated in their profile). Who just don't care, in fact laugh and act surprised when I ask "how do you lean politically?" It sometimes takes several messages to get to the fact that they are registered Republican and that they voted for Trump.They arec vactually hiding it from me, lol. This has even been kept hidden until a first meeting. Why in the world would someone think I would want to date a Republican when I say clearly I do not? Why are these guys wasting my time and theirs?
There's more, Also I have guys go on and on about how I am charming and how they are attracted to me and yet I see nothing in their profile or in the conversation that indicates that we have anything in common. Does it matter to these guys? apparently nope. They think because they are into me that it must translate to that I will also be into them. Fuck the profile, who reads those things anyway? Right?! You are cute, so it doesn't matter what you want. Lol! Ladies, does this sound familiar?
But there's more, I identify as Sapiosexual, it's stated. I have guys, "lol!" at this, that it must be a joke and what is the big deal about shared interests? I'm serious, this is happening. It reminds me of the Xtians, Catholics, and believers on POF and OK Cupid. They act this way. They do not care that you state that you can't stand believers. That you have no interest in them. They are going to message you anyway. I don't know, maybe they think they still have a chance to fuck you, or that you will send them pictures, or phone sex. I think, they think that if they can get your # and at the very least they can send a dick pic. Is shared interests even a thing with men anymore? Are they just browsing pretty pictures of women they want to troll, or do they just want online sex?
I have even had men ask me "what do you do for a living?", or If they happened to read the first sentence, "I'd like to see more of your work". I'm like really? It's all there! It's in my profile. I really feel like I am getting disrespected and am dumbfounded by the lack of intelligence and effort from some of the single men here.
Good rant and you're not alone as it goes both ways. I haven't experienced it here on agnostic but other dating sites I've had women I'm not compatible with and even a few men try to chat or email because they're "interested". Even after a no or blocking them, some come back. I've heard that in the age of Trump that this has become more of an issue also. Conservatives can't find dates and don't want to date within their ranks, people think they can re-mold you to what they want, or they don't care because it's a numbers game....
Don't give up, keep trying and don't let them get you down.
P.s. Post some more of your "work pics", they're cool. The land of the lost one brings back memories of watching the show and thinking it was cool! The devilish horned one looks familiar but can't place it, thought it was the goblin from maximum overdrive when I first saw it.
Where The Wild Thing Are. Maurice Sendak. I built a couple of little Theme Parks based on his artwork. Thank you for getting it. You hit the nail on the head. I know there are good guys out there. Men like you give me hope. And thanks for your interest, I will, Land of the Lost was one of my best and favorite jobs. I got to work closely with Marty Croft and his TV series, all of them, are very near and dear to him. The movie was a labor of love. More Martys vision than Sids.
I am just glad I am too old for all that bullshit from men. I am seventy three, widowed and now happily single, most definitely not wanting to attract men of any age. I wish you luck in your quest for someone compatible.
I feel you on this and understand completely, why would any free thinker or liberal date a Trump supporter lol, I think some men are completely ignorant and think they may change you, I hate to say this but in my experience a lot of conservative, right wing men can be misogynistic and think it's normal because I work with some! Just ignore them or block them the best you can, and hopefully you'll meet someone more compatible with your beliefs and passions ☺
Thank you, very well stated.
Why is it important to you that they read your profile first? To save time? if You’re looking for something serious this makes sense. I’m sure you get tired of repeating he same answers again and again. Most guys don’t know how to engage with women so asking standard interview questions is the go to format. At least you have options - that’s something not really worth complaining about IMO.
I guess you didn't read my profile or the post. lol!
I sent you a message stating I'd read your profile and thought we had some things in common; and encouraged you to read my bio if you had any interest. I thought it was a nice, polite message, but I never heard a peep from you, not even so much as a "Sorry, not interested." Just saying...
Hi, I got called to a job I'm currently working 11 1/2 hour days six days a week. today was supposed to be my only day off and I took another side job. I really need to work.I did edit my profile and mention that I'd be unable to answer messages that was over a week ago, if you care to take a look, sorry I didn't get back to you. I also mention that I have a crazy schedule I wouldn't take it personally. It's one of those things maybe you'd want to read it again.
Just saying...
Also, I'm at work right now I just had to stop to let glue dry and have lunch but I don't see any messages from you. I am a greeter and sometimes messages get buried. There is a site glitch and sometimes the messages don't go through, just want you to know that if you want to message me go ahead and send another. I'm a little confused as your profile states you are here for community and is missing some of the details those open to dating would have. You shouldn't jump to conclusions. I was never not interested and I just didn't see any message.
@kjsgenie Thank you, I guess some people require more attention than we care to give them. Also, I'll admit, I was dumbfounded by the comment.
Another example of the insanity of "on-line" "dating."
What is especially annoying is so many profiles start with “Read my profile and write something wonderful, or else, GO AWAY!”
I find that really attractive. What man wouldn't? Raise your hands to disagree.
How can a conversation begin if the expectations of immediate success preclude its starting?
Too many of these women are in a hurry. They expect all the conversations that would happen in the workplace, social places,… over days, weeks, months, years, to be condensed into the first message, or else they do not respond.
I know using dating sites can help with filtering the ne’r-do-wells. Sorta like Manpower, and other employment agencies. But, most disturbing, they restrict the odd bumping into at a party, social event, museum, restaurant, where the first words are usually, “Hello.” "Do you come here often?" No profile, no history, no clarity of what is expected.
I understand the urgency, especially at my age. But, hurriedness most often results in mistakes. And missed happinesses.
A simple, "Hello," is a reasonable opening move.
Mmmaybe we wouldn't have to tell a guy to read our profile and write a few sentences if we didn't get "Hello" from a dozen or more guys a day who did NOT read the profile, and in fact could care less? Like, maybe, acknowledge that you might have to do something different to differentiate yourself?
@LionMousePudding Pay attention:::: You are asking too much from most of us. How is that not perfectly clear by now?
All the messages provide you with evidence of the superiority of women, (Please use all those messages as the basis of your next novel).
Most of us know how completely incompetent we are. This we do not dispute when alone. But it takes significant intoxication for any of us to reveal these thoughts to any other human.
I do applaud your response. And I agree that if more women were more vigilant teaching their male children how to behave the someday "all is well" will come sooner to Humanville.
@Jacar even males being assholes is WOMEN'S fault?
@Jacar You are not even here for dating, You are a douchey married man looking for hookups. Hahaha! You are that guy I am talking about. You are the problem. You should speak for yourself. I am positive a lot of men on this site would prefer to not align with a douche-bag such as yourself. Since you are speaking for all men, I'll speak for all women. Yes. Go away, we don't want you.
@LionMousePudding He can't do anything differently to differentiate himself from the others. He is that guy, lol!
@LionMousePudding Just sayin, children are around women more. So why do boys grow up to be shits? Do you think it is innate? if so, then we have no control. I think that is partially correct.
To be clear, you posted a missive about how the men sending you messages are pretty much meat sticks on legs, with no ability to read for comprehension, nor to act as instructed. I am in total agreement with that.
Whose "fault" is that? I blame it mostly on evolution.
Men do stuff differently than women because men are different than women. Can't get more basic than that, don't ya know.
@Jacar no. It is because FATHERS do not teach their sons to be decent people.
@LionMousePudding Yeah. I agree. All of my comments support this. But, women need to do more.
"LionMousePudding" reminds me of the stories in "Mouse soup, which i been reading and enjoying for all our grandchildren.
And: Although we still are compared at only %58, i feel closer to you every interaction.
Thanks for not giving up on us.
@LionMousePudding, @CaroleKay Learn how to read for comprehension........ That was taught in second grade.
Learn how to behave:::
You know NOTHING about me. To attack me demonstrates your ignorance. NOT your reason, or any type of clear thinking. Do you really think you will learn anything from anyone who thinks and talks like you have to me?
"Young" is the only excuse for you spewing.
AND::: learn how to laugh when humor is presented to your face.
@Jacar Oh I'm not reading any more of your garbage. I can't believe I didn't block you sooner. Bye Felicia
I agree with everything you wrote, although I didn't read it. Could someone sit in my lap? It improves my reading.
That's Ok, I just block the really creepy ones...