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Men, be honest, would you bed a Trump supporter who looked attractive?

  • 8 votes
  • 12 votes
Lostin15801 6 Aug 6

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It's been so long I'd probably shag Trump!


To refuse yourself, and any other, such pleasure, is stupid.


"Attractive" has no political relationships.


Men have the genetics to poke anything. And why not?

I couldn't bed someone who shared his perspective and saw nothing wrong with his behavior. For me, beauty is more about what a person is, than what they look like. As someone else suggested, ugly soul makes for an ugly person and if they shared the same perspective as Trump, they'd be too damn ugliest to want to touch

@Lostin15801 Refusing sexual enjoyment? You call yourself a man?


I have a motto, if she's a bitch or an idiot she might as well be ugly and you just nailed the idiot part...not happening.

lerlo Level 8 Aug 7, 2018

Another inane post from a stupid liberal

Thanks for ruining the country! Hurry up and destroy the earth.

Hmmm for someone who has no need for bullshit do you believe everything that comes out of your president's mouth?

@jorj which idiot are you referring to?

@jorj since I got no response from the last guy I asked, I'll ask you, do you believe everything he says? Also I'm pretty sure I didn't run against him so I didn't lose anything

@jorj yes it's much better if you expect the lie then its ok

@jorj did you happen to see who benefited from your boy's tax cuts?

@jorj wow. Just out of curiosity, can I assume you have had a job in your life? Did you have to be qualified in order to get that job?

@jorj Nice duck of the question, I get it, it doesnt matter what facts I bring to light, you want an idiot to lead the country. Someone who doesnt even know that Israel is in the Middle East. He's right--he could kill someone in Times Square and you wouldnt care. You know in your heart if not your head that he's not qualified to be president but you can't face up to it so you cover it with the Dems do the same thing. The best part of this presidency is that no matter what any Dem does in the future this idiot did it and probably did it worse--so you'll have no complaints then. The answer to any complaint will be "trump." Can you imagine if a Dem cozied up to the Russians? You'd be calling him a communist. But I get your beliefs. I asked you a question about tax breaks and you took that as "bitch." I'm hitting my head against the wall. But I certainly understand your point of view. Thanks for the dialogue.

@jorj yes most of us had to be qualified for our job but you don't think the president needs to be qualified for his job--and he ran against the most qualified person to ever run for the office. But you don't care about that because he's "elite." People who go through bankruptcies and open up fraudulent schools are certainly qualified to run our corrupt country right?

@jorj any chance you know that her predecessor also used a private server and told her to do it? Or you don't care about that because of his party affiliation? Let me guess, you go through stop signs because you don't believe everything you read 🙂 And no he's not as qualified as someone who is the only candidate to spend 8 years in the White House, be Secretary of State AND be a Senator. Your guys is qualified on foreign policy because his hotels make money from foreign diplomats? What your guy doesnt have is E which means experience and the people who voted for him deserve what they get. This discussion is in the perfect place "silly, random and fun" It perfectly describes his presidency, except for maybe the fun part but he's having fun so i guess it's ok.

@jorj Got it. You win

@jorj Exactly


It would not matter how attractive he looked - no.

Thank you, thank you , thank you.


It's been awhile since I had sex, so I'm not picky right now.

If she is able and willing, who am i to refuse for any reason. Give me an amen.

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