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Who's into debating with religious people? What apologetic really annoys you? I can't stand presuppositionalists.

AdamE 4 Aug 7

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I do it less and less but historically have been "into" it. Not so much because I expect to change the mind of any True Believer [tm] but because I known that online, there are many lurkers for each person I engage with, and many of those are honest doubters trying to find their way, as I once was.


To me it's the moral issue. Can't be moral without god. Pretty easy to debate but it seems to me the most used.

gearl Level 8 Aug 8, 2018

These people are exceedingly disingenuous and irrational. They are not really apologists, as they believe they don’t need to appeal to reason or defend the faith. It is, after all, self-evident that God (as described in the Bible) exists. God is the judge and jury, so there’s really no need to prove anything. This is not apologetics!

The followers of Cornelius Van Til—people like Sye Ten Bruggencate and Eric Hovind, to name two—always like to fall back on the question, ‘well how do you know you’re not a brain in a vat?’ At this point, it’s probably better to stop, and back away slowly, and never try to argue with them again.


pointless im not gonna change their minds and vice versa and im no good at arguing ld either take it or make it personal not good in a debating situation

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