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I love sleep, good night all.????

Sheannutt 9 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Sleep is my drug of choice.


I deal with stress by falling asleep. Fortunately, I can fall asleep almost instantly and under the worst during an earthquake...

Me too. Can fall asleep within a minute or two. No stress though. I guess that's a benefit also.


And you can have some wonderful dreams 😉 Good night!

@Sheannutt thank you so much, you too!


It is morning here, but I had a particularly good one last night.....didn’t wake up until after eight o’clock! At my age an uninterrupted night without having to get up to pee is bliss!!



Sometimes it's the other way around . Sometimes , it's any , some , or all of those very things , which prevent you from sleeping .


I dunno, I've had some horrific dreams in my time.

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