Romantic love is _____ . How jaded are you ?
The best feeling Ive ever experienced. The time it went both ways. Jaded? I used to be more so than I am now. She left me a with a lot more belief in myself and love. In spite of loosing her. Im a beter man thanks to her. Still jaded deep just the same.
It's wildly exciting and great fun....until it fades. And, it always does.
@ProudMary Even in the most committed, long-term relationships...that sexual HEAT/romantic love fades. JMO, of course. Relationships can thrive in the real world...''romantic love'' doesn't.
Loving relationships work best when we add a certain spirit, an attitude of goodwill. I wouldn't know a grudge if it mugged me.
To me, love in an action verb.
The idea of "soul mates" is a myth perpetuated by Disney movies, rom-coms, stupid romance novels and advertising.
Suddenly I'm hit with a magical lightning bolt of love. In a flowing, white dress, I dance gracefully through a flowery field without tripping, with birds and butterflies fluttering and violins soaring, running into the arms of ...CUT.
What's that tickling feeling? Ticks.
I'd say I'm 0.12 percent jaded. Joking.
I miss the tender touch, laughter, conversation, intimacy, teamwork and fun of a committed, loving relationship.
I don't completely rule out the notion of soul-mates
but I think thats reserved for peculiar ppl and rare and overly sophisticated non-conformists , maybe just the twos with mutually beneficial traits of neediness and possessiveness ...or something ?
Certainly hollywood rarely sells reality but most ppl seem to think they do , and they buy it as reality .
I think cynicism is a requirement for high- level intelligence and a certain level of jadedness is inevitable .
I think Id give you 20 % ?
You don't know me. As a born optimist, I bounce back from disappointments.
In my 30s, I learned when I feel hurt by criticism, to listen for the kernel of truth, learn from it and let bad feelings go.
I refuse to let a few bad men destroy my opinion of half of the human race.
Grudge-holding only hurts the grudge holder.