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I'm new here and really enjoying it.
Wonder why not much talk about population.
Can't most major problems be put to over population?

manfrompahrump 4 Aug 8

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Yes. Without humans, the earth would thrive.
If humans disappeared, the oceans would someday be clean and populated again....the atmosphere would clean up....and neat extinct animals would have a chance for a comeback.
Furthermore, the forests would again thrive....and rain-forests would regrow.
The plains and prairies would once again be home to migratory animals....

Sounds amazing.


Well,, since Thanos got the infinity stones and removed 1/2 of the population, I think some people feel it is a touchy conversation.


That you again Thanos???


The most damaging thing to the environment is agriculture and the environment starts to rebound in areas where there is so much war that people can't farm. Of course people can farm differently and build places like this

Link: These farms use sun and seawater to grow crops in the arid Australian desert [].

Or this-Link:
Creating Food Out of Thin Air -making complete protein powder from CO2 []

Or make their own energy- Link: New Solar Power Tree can light 5 homes in just 4 sq ft of land: []

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Gosh, yes! Ask any endangered species! Also, just who do think is pumping all that carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? Duh!

I have this fantasy that our fossil-fuel-loving president will meet up with a hungry polar bear! And sooner rather than later!

Gmak Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

Yep...I think so and if not now, it will be in the near future, if it isn't addressed. It is a train of thought that I re-visit over and over.


The problem of overpopulation is, in my opinion, overblown. The population is certain to level off. I tend to agree with Hans Rosling's research on the topic.

@Matias Rosling is merely reporting on the trends as shown by the data and extrapolating from there. If he is proven wrong, we all lose. I am unaware of the distinction between ‘human development’ and ‘natural development.’ Finally, whether it be the destruction of the environment or any number of negative outcomes, the actions that would serve to harm us are not the result of sheer numbers of persons, but rather the consequences of misplaced priorities, poor planning and an inability to act.


That is the classic Elephant In The Room question.

Elephant? Or a paper tiger?

@pnfullifidian Elephant.

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