Seriously bad shit. I have had the same thought for years: Our infantry and ground troop soldiers are only fighting for their own survival. I wish them well in hell. Does anyone have a critique or any experience here?
I am against the current wars, or at least the way they are run, especially without clear goals and an exit strategy. I was for the troops when they started, I mean like gear on the ground and thank you for your service, but it is getting harder after so long, most men serving now weren't in the military when these wars started, the "on the ground" guys I mean, they joined knowing these were the wars they would fight in. I pity some, and honestly dislike some others. They made this choice knowing the same things about these wars that I know, they believed in this cause with the same information that made reasonable men see the futility, the waste, and the unnecessary death attached to them.
Yup. And the US main export is weapons, so why not keep extending the wars to keep the money flowing to Pentagon..?
We no longer fight for freedom, but to spread democracy across the world. It's sick