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Is there reason to doubt findings from the Pew Research Center?

shows someone from PRC speaking at a meeting of American Atheists last year. This is to follow up on the thread about "higher education levels do not necessarily correlate with increasing agnosticism/atheism".
LimitedLight 7 Aug 8

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Nothing and no one is above questioning. That is how we ensure accuracy and honesty. Furthermore these numbers only reflect those who answered the survey.

"Furthermore these numbers only reflect those who answered the survey."

This is a misleading and potentially dangerous remark which appears to reflect a lack of understanding of the science behind conducting surveys, not to mention, statistics.

@pnfullifidian actually this is stated quite clearly on the pew research home page. They themselves have concerns about the validity of their research for this reason.

@JimOnTwoWheels on the post that spawned this one, I did just that. In their findings, the researchers themselves raise this concern. The religion poll was conducted via phone, so only those who happened to answer the phone and cared to spend their time taking the survey were included.


There's always a reason to hold a healthy amount of skepticism about anything, from anyone.

I see no reason to just blindly accept anything that's presented to me, and most of these things he points out are surveys. I trust a survey about as much as the paper it's printed on.

These things are neat, but I don't regard them as much more than that.

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