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Welcome fellow humans, I will post a poem to exhibit my point of view on religion, Please leave comments below if you like it 🙂

Ridiculous Claims, Ridiculous evidences.
Corrupted Evidences, Corrupted minds.
Religion is what I address, forcing you what to dress.
Denialism of objectiveness, yet are individuals objectivized.
Nor is there any salvation in blindness, yet in subjectivation salvation they find.
Told that judgment to the almighty belongs, yet from him it is taken.
Love your enemies, yet they hate themselves.
For I hate none, yet subject to their hate.
For merely corrupted subjectiveness I object, yet objectiveness should be the uncorrupted subject.
An uncorrupted mind is a Ridiculous rarity, Yet uncorrupted evidence for truth is a Ridiculous claim.

Berserker96 3 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Great poem, though I do not think I agree. Good work.


I dig it. I don't know anything about poetry, but I'm big on anything that bashes religion.


Than you all for your advices and feedback I will review my work and see if I can improve. This was my very first post. Although I have a lot to learn, I am eager to become better.


I see it as your interpretation of Religion. Write one on your idea of belief and leave out the either/or, yet and corruption. Doctors, Lawyers, Priests and Politicians are all corrupt. We know this and the claim that they all are not and feed off of each other in a vicious chain enhancing the others fraud as a reason to embrace theirs. Try Listening to Bob Dylan.


I see it as your interpretation of Religion. Write one on your idea of belief and leave out the either/or, yet and corruption. Doctors, Lawyers, Priests and Politicians are all corrupt. We know this and the claim that they all are not and feed off of each other in a vicious chain enhancing the others fraud as a reason to embrace theirs. Try Listening to Bob Dylan.


I see it as your interpretation of Religion. Write one on your idea of belief and leave out the either/or, yet and corruption. Doctors, Lawyers, Priests and Politicians are all corrupt. We know this and the claim that they all are not and feed off of each other in a vicious chain enhancing the others fraud as a reason to embrace theirs. Try Listening to Bob Dylan.


I see it as your interpretation of Religion. Write one on your idea of belief and leave out the either/or, yet and corruption. Doctors, Lawyers, Priests and Politicians are all corrupt. We know this and the claim that they all are not and feed off of each other in a vicious chain enhancing the others fraud as a reason to embrace theirs. Try Listening to Bob Dylan.


There is some rhyme but this uses more alliteration instead. I like it. 🙂

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