60% of human DNA is identical to DNA in a banana. So, whenever I can't seem to do something right, I just claim that the banana is using my DNA at the moment.
Funny bone: If we come from chimps that eat bananas, how come there are still chimps and bananas today?
(Scientific bone: actually we share more than 50% of our DNA with all living things on earth because 50% of our DNA is dedicated to synthesizing, replicating, repairing, reading and maintaining DNA functions)
Hrmm. I only lay around like a lazy brown speckled banana about 40% of the time, so I guess I'm doing ok by that measure.
So does that make someone who has a banana smoothie for breakfast every day a murderer or even a cannibal? Just askin for a friend...............
I will never eat a banana again without feeling, a bit like.....well almost a cannibal!
Well, at least you don’t blame it on the monkeys! Who share more of your DNA!