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I think that it is strange that anyone has to “come out” as an Atheist. In my case I if you can’t stand me being an atheist then fine so don’t be my friend I’m good with that. I will not apologize for accepting reality, reason, logic and science. I would say that I understand where he is coming from and some of the problem and discrimination that it can cause so I’m not insensitive all I can say for me was that I had the self-assuredness to not hide or worry about what other think or thought if me. The problem is not with me it is with them.

LibrePenseur 7 Aug 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I never "came out", I just live my life. If people don't like it, that's their problem, not mine.


I can’t come out from where I have never been. Nobody is born religious, so when people decide renounce the religion that they have acquired along life’s way, they are going back in not coming out. That is , if we are using logic.


Being atheist only matters if you have an opportunity to educate someone who is open to it. Other than that, remember that atheists are reviled more than Muslims. Thus, unless you have a martyr complex, best keep it to yourself. Yes, discrimination is out there, especially if you're an atheist. I totally agree with Drew in advocating for normalizing atheism.

Yeah a couple of years back there was a study that showed that Americans were more likely to vote for a pedophile than an atheist.


Well good for you... Some people might be a little more worried about losing family and friends and potentially your whole life. This guy sounded like he was deep into Christianity and was afraid of losing everything. Not something to sniff at. It's totally understandable to be afraid to come out when you're in that situation. Don't knock people for that.

Remi Level 7 Aug 10, 2018

Most the time I don't give a damn what other people think, so I tell them straight up that I am atheist.


Yeah..this video puzzles me. There seems to be an obsession with what others think.
Who cares?
It was the blatantly white supremacist memes of my Christian childhood friends in 2016 that convinced me to go totally agnostic.

I defriended and blocked them, including my relatives who were Trump supporters.

I actually ask people in my Facebook friends list if they support Trump, and if they do, I defriend them.

I'm not cringing around, hoping them don't "reject" me..I don't WANT them as friends.
Children in cages? Laws against the LGBTQ community? Racist and xenophobic laws? If you support that you are NOT someone I want to know.

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