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This can be frustrating. ?

Sheannutt 9 Aug 12

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Yes, I can identify. Over here we call it “sod’s law’”!


Groceries and car key in my left hand.

Key ring with mailbox and apartment key in my right hand.

Stop at the box and get the mail.

Open the apartment door.

Put the key ring in my pocket.

Drop the car key and mail on the desk just inside the door.

Put the groceries away.

At least that is the way it is supposed to work; usually it does.


As a point of pride, I string all grocery bags on my arms and do bicep curls walking to my car.

I carry all the bags from the car to the house at once. Staggering occasionality. As if taking two trips is for weaklings.

I know it's asinine. Since age 7, I have seen myself as Mighty Mouse.


9 times out of ten and on the tenth time I switch arms only to find out I shouldn't have.

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