I always try to see the beauty in the imperfections. It's very easy to find it when looking outward. Much more difficult when looking inward. Thank you for posting this.
When I was a Jehovah's Witness, I was told that perfection in the Bible meant completeness. I'm not certain they are right but it would mean a perfect person was someone complete in themselves rather than just good-looking.
By that definition, still no one is perfect.
@MikeInBatonRouge No, but it is attributed to them through their faith.
Reminds me of a Stereophonics song, Just Looking:
There's things I want
There's things I think I want
There's things I've had
There's things I want to have
Do I want the dreams
The ones we're forced to see
Do I want the perfect wife
The word perfect ain't quite right
Perfect imperfect suits me fine
The best thing about perfection is that, because it is a completely subjective notion and not factually real, the demand for it can also be dismissed as delusional.